1.
"Carpe
diem,
quam
minimum
credula
postero.
"
-
Seize
the
day,
put
very
little
trust
in
tomorrow.
】
2.
"Audentes
fortuna
iuvat.
"
-
Fortune
favors
the
bold.
】
3.
"Veni,
vidi,
vici.
"
-
came,
saw,
conquered.
】
4.
"Per
aspera
ad
astra.
"
-
Through
difficulty
to
the
stars.
】
5.
"Nil
desperandum.
"
-
Never
despair.
】
6.
"Dum
spiro,
spero.
"
-
While
breathe,
hope.
】
7.
"Memento
mori.
"
-
Remember
you
are
mortal.
】
8.
"Festina
lente.
"
-
Make
haste
slowly.
】
9.
"Si
vis
pacem,
para
bellum.
"
-
If
you
want
peace,
prepare
for
war.
】
10.
"Amor
vincit
omnia.
"
-
Love
conquers
all.
】
11.
"Sed
fugit
interea,
fugit
inreparabile
tempus.
"
-
But
time
flies,
irretrievable
time
flies.
】
12.
"Non
ducor,
duco.
"
-
am
not
led,
lead.
】
13.
"Sine
ira
et
studio.
"
-
Without
anger
or
bias.
】
14.
"Ex
nihilo
nihil
fit.
"
-
Out
of
nothing,
nothing
comes.
】
15.
"Aquila
non
capit
muscas.
"
-
An
eagle
does
not
catch
flies.
】
16.
"Faber
est
suae
quisque
fortunae.
"
-
Every
man
is
the
architect
of
his
own
fortune.
】
17.
"Fata
viam
invenient.
"
-
Fate
will
find
a
way.
】
18.
"Sapere
aude.
"
-
Dare
to
be
wise.
】
19.
"Fortis
fortuna
adiuvat.
"
-
Fortune
favors
the
brave.
】
20.
"In
vino
veritas.
"
-
In
wine,
there
is
truth.
】