1.
“The
hardest
part
of
saying
goodbye
is
not
knowing
when
you'll
see
each
other
again.
”【思念已成习惯】
2.
“The
distance
between
us
may
be
great,
but
my
love
for
you
will
always
remain.
”【距离是什么,屏障或是磨练?】
3.
“I
cherish
the
memories
we've
made
together,
and
they
will
always
hold
a
special
place
in
my
heart.
”【留下的那些瞬间,是我们最美丽的记录】
4.
“As
we
part
ways,
know
that
am
forever
grateful
for
the
time
we
spent
together.
”【与你之间感恩相遇】
5.
“Goodbyes
are
not
forever,
they
are
just
temporary
absences
until
we
meet
again.
”【再会,未知的期待和希望】
6.
“Our
paths
may
diverge,
but
the
bond
we
share
will
always
remain
strong.
”【别离并非终点,我们这份情谊会长存】
7.
“Although
we
may
be
apart,
our
hearts
will
always
remain
intertwined.
”【离别后的思念,是彼此留在心底的缝隙】
8.
“Saying
goodbye
is
never
easy,
but
it's
necessary
for
new
beginnings.
”【告别的时候,我们会为彼此一个好的开始感到高兴】
9.
“The
memories
we've
created
together
are
the
glue
that
will
keep
us
together
no
matter
the
distance.
”【留给我这份记忆,感激你们成为了我人生的一部分】
10.
“Our
separation
may
bring
sadness,
but
our
reunion
will
bring
joy.
”【有离别才有相聚,有期待才有希望】
11.
“As
we
go
our
separate
ways,
know
that
our
friendship
will
only
grow
stronger.
”【前路漫漫,同行方便,有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?】
12.
“Our
paths
may
lead
us
in
different
directions,
but
our
hearts
will
always
be
united
in
friendship.
”【人生的道路上,每道路标都会有我们的足迹】
13.
“As
we
part
ways
and
move
forward
in
our
lives,
will
always
treasure
the
memories
we
shared
together.
”【在告别的那一刻,感谢与你一起的时光】
14.
“No
matter
where
we
go
or
what
we
do,
our
friendship
will
remain
forever
true.
”【好友如影随形,永远不变的真情】
15.
“Goodbyes
may
be
difficult,
but
they
open
up
doors
to
new
and
exciting
opportunities.
”【告别虽然难,但是它也是我们人生旅程中的一笔财富】
16.
“As
we
say
goodbye,
we
may
shed
tears,
but
they
are
tears
of
gratitude
for
the
memories
we've
shared.
”【眼中含着泪,却是因为感激与你的缘分】
17.
“Though
our
paths
may
lead
us
in
different
directions,
our
memories
will
always
bind
us
together.
”【无论前路如何,记忆永存,我们永远是一家人】
18.
“Saying
goodbye
is
never
easy,
but
it's
a
necessary
step
in
the
journey
of
life.
”【告别是成长的必经之路,我们要坚强面对】
19.
“As
we
part
ways,
know
that
you
will
always
have
a
special
place
in
my
heart.
”【离别之后,你留下的那一片风景,无论在哪里,始终存在】
20.
“Our
separation
may
bring
pain,
but
the
memories
we
shared
together
will
always
bring
us
comfort.
”【别离是一场悲伤,但是我的心底永远有你的欢笑】