1.
“Sometimes,
the
hardest
thing
to
do
is
to
hold
onto
hope
when
everything
else
seems
to
be
falling
apart.
”
【#KeepHopeAlive】
2.
“It's
not
about
the
destination,
it's
about
the
journey.
”
【#TheJourneyMatters】
3.
“Every
cloud
has
a
silver
lining,
but
sometimes
it
takes
a
storm
to
see
it.
”
【#FindThePositive】
4.
“You
never
know
how
strong
you
are
until
being
strong
is
the
only
choice
you
have.
”
【#InnerStrength】
5.
“Pain
is
inevitable,
suffering
is
optional.
”
【#ChooseHappiness】
6.
“Sometimes,
the
most
painful
lessons
are
the
ones
that
teach
us
the
most.
”
【#LearningFromPain】
7.
“Grief
is
the
price
we
pay
for
love.
”
【#LoveAndLoss】
8.
“The
scars
you
can't
see
are
the
ones
that
hurt
the
most.
”
【#InvisiblePain】
9.
“The
darkest
nights
produce
the
brightest
stars.
”
【#HopeInTheDarkness】
10.
“There
are
wounds
that
never
show
on
the
body
that
are
deeper
and
more
hurtful
than
anything
that
bleeds.
”
【#EmotionalScars】
11.
“Embrace
the
pain,
it
will
make
you
stronger.
”
【#FindingStrengthInPain】
12.
“You
don't
have
to
be
alone
in
your
pain,
we're
all
in
this
together.
”
【#CommunitySupport】
13.
“The
only
way
out
of
the
darkness
is
to
keep
moving
forward.
”
【#KeepGoing】
14.
“The
only
way
to
heal
is
to
face
the
pain.
”
【#FaceYourPain】
15.
“There's
no
shame
in
needing
help.
We
all
need
a
little
help
sometimes.
”
【#AskingForHelp】
16.
“Pain
demands
to
be
felt,
but
it
doesn't
have
to
define
you.
”
【#DontLetPainDefineYou】
17.
“The
only
way
to
appreciate
the
light
is
to
endure
the
darkness.
”
【#GratitudeForLight】
18.
“It
takes
courage
to
let
go
of
the
things
that
hurt
us.
”
【#CourageToLetGo】
19.
“No
one
can
go
back
and
change
the
beginning,
but
anyone
can
start
today
and
make
a
new
ending.
”
【#NewBeginnings】
20.
“Hope
is
the
thing
with
feathers
that
perches
in
the
soul
and
sings
the
tune
without
the
words
and
never
stops
at
all.
”
【#HopeIsEternal】