1.
"Sometimes
the
only
way
to
get
out
of
a
dark
place
is
to
crawl
through
it.
"
【-Unknown】
2.
"When
you
feel
like
giving
up,
just
remember
why
you
held
on
for
so
long
in
the
first
place.
"
【-Unknown】
3.
"The
hardest
battles
are
fought
in
the
mind,
not
on
the
battlefield.
"
【-Unknown】
4.
"In
the
midst
of
chaos,
there
is
also
opportunity.
"
【-Sun
Tzu】
5.
"It's
not
about
waiting
for
the
storm
to
pass,
it's
learning
to
dance
in
the
rain.
"
【-Vivian
Greene】
6.
"Life
is
not
about
waiting
for
the
storm
to
pass,
it's
about
learning
how
to
dance
in
the
rain.
"
【-Unknown】
7.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
【-Nelson
Mandela】
8.
"No
matter
what
happens,
just
keep
putting
one
foot
in
front
of
the
other.
"
【-Unknown】
9.
"The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
"
【-Steve
Jobs】
10.
"Adversity
is
like
a
strong
wind.
It
tears
away
from
us
all
but
the
things
that
cannot
be
torn,
so
that
we
see
ourselves
as
we
really
are.
"
【-Arthur
Golden】
11.
"Hope
begins
in
the
dark,
the
stubborn
hope
that
if
you
just
show
up
and
do
the
right
thing,
the
dawn
will
come.
"
【-Anne
Lamott】
12.
"If
you're
going
through
hell,
keep
going.
"
【-Winston
Churchill】
13.
"Don't
let
yesterday
take
up
too
much
of
today.
"
【-Will
Rogers】
14.
"To
live
is
the
rarest
thing
in
the
world.
Most
people
exist,
that
is
all.
"
【-Oscar
Wilde】
15.
"When
you
can't
find
the
sunshine,
be
the
sunshine.
"
【-Unknown】
16.
"It
always
seems
impossible
until
it's
done.
"
【-Nelson
Mandela】
17.
"It's
not
what
happens
to
you,
but
how
you
react
to
it
that
matters.
"
【-Epictetus】
18.
"Don't
watch
the
clock;
do
what
it
does.
Keep
going.
"
【-Sam
Levenson】
19.
"Our
greatest
glory
is
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
【-Confucius】
20.
"The
strongest
people
are
not
those
who
show
strength
in
front
of
us,
but
those
who
win
battles
we
know
nothing
about.
"
【-Unknown】